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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Here comes the rain

I cannot believe how dramatically my mood is affected by the level of sunshine present when I wake up in the morning. Yesterday, I could see the blue sky and rays of sun pouring in through my curtains. I wanted so badly to hop out of bed with the motivation and gumption to conquer everything on my way too long to do list. Unfortunately, I just didn't have it. I was exhausted. Whether it be from hormones or a late night on Wednesday, I was dragging Thursday. I didn't get any work done and that was weighing heavy on my mind as I closed my eyes at the way early hour of 10pm Thursday night. So, when I open my peepers this morning (Friday) and see that it's cloudy and dismal out at 8am, I wanna throw the uber soft fleece covers back over my head and form a tight cocoon. Alas, I could not do that so here I am at my desk, trying to figure out how I'm going to get done all I need to get finished today. I'm waiting for my mom (aka the owner of the company from whom I sub most of my work) to rip into me for missing yesterday and its deadlines. But then I remember that Dimples will be visiting again tonight and I'm almost instantly cheered up. My positive nature kicks in and I hear the messages, "You'll get done what you can and the rest will get finished on Monday. It's just work." I have to remind myself over and over, "It is what it is." What a powerful statement for only five little words.

By the way, on the Dimples front, things couldn't be going better if I'd written out the whole thing myself ahead of time. He is probably one of the only honest people I've met in my entire life. He tells it just as it is, and while sometimes that scares me, I totally dig it. I feel safe with him because he is who he is and doesn't have any qualms about it. Plus, we have amazing chemistry and think the same ways about a lot of stuff. Yet, we're different enough to keep it interesting so far. He's very laid back whereas I tend to be a little uptight in some areas. I told him this on Wednesday and he seemed surprise by the confession. I told him that's why I surround myself with as many laid back people as possible because it reminds me how important it is to just chill. Last night before I fell asleep I was reflecting on my life as it currently is, and I realized with much excitement, that I am totally happy right now. While I have a lot on my plate and feel a little more stress than I'd like, I am so happy. I have a lot to be thankful for and my dreams are but some hard work and dedication away.

Oh, speaking of which, I have been writing a lot more since I bought a new laptop. I'm finding it much easier to pop out a daily word count when I don't have to come to the same desk I sit at for my 9-5 gig. I can feel the characters and stories just beating on the inside of my head to get out and now I have the energy and motivation to let them do so. Good times.

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