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Thursday, February 19, 2009

My biscuits are burning!

I always loved when Yosemite Sam on the Looney Tunes would get his butt caught on fire and run around screaming, "My biscuits are burning!" I laugh out loud just picturing it. Anywho, the relevance of my subject to my post? Well, ever since I started Holly Lisle's HtTS course, I've felt this constant hot spot directly on my bum. I call it fuel to my writing fire. It's a constant reminder that I want to stay focused and on target with my writing goals.

So even though you haven't seen me post regularly about my progress through the course, there has been some; albeit, not as much I intended, but I'm back in the saddle again. I'm going to post on here as I make progress with my Graduate Novel. I didn't realize so many other HtTS graduates would use the weblog board. Sadly, most of them are on WordPress and I have no clue how I follow those without having to visit their pages every day--you wouldn't know I work with the newest technology on a daily basis, would ya? Yep, I guess I have tunnel-vision in some areas.

Today my focus is on getting to know my male lead. He's a rare creature in that I don't usually get a male as the main character, but I've seen him crouched, hiding in a dark corner for a couple years now and I only let him out once. So I figure it's time to acknowledge him. I'll be posting a few snippets and my Sentence in the next week. I look forward to receiving some feedback. It's scary to take the leap.

Happy Thursday!

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